Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Semana Santa

I am back from a very fun week with my dad..Got the bus to the airport very early Saturday morning and managed paying the tax/immigration stuff successfully and found dad in the panama airport…went to the first hotel in panama city where I rediscovered the comforts of airconditioning, hot showers, TV and the best bed I have ever slept in…next day went on very small plane to bocas del toro…it was actually really cool to be able to see the cockpit and watch the pilot eat lunch and put up a cover over the window to block out the sun apparently seeing the sky isn’t that important haha but got great views from the plane of the panama canal and all the islands…Bocas del toro: stayed here for three days the hotel was run by an American couple and was an interesting atmosphere you ate with all the other guests every day which was often seafood and other dishes im not very used to but it was a cool experience…went snorkeling and scuba diving everyday and saw awesome coral fish, starfish, sea cucumbers, stingrays, and a barracuda that kept staring at us so I tried to hid behind my dad for that one…got to see dolphins as well which I looooved ill never get enough of seeing them…also went to a basically private island one day felt like I was on survivor it was just thi tiny island and you could just go snorkeling right from there…tried to get some Spanish practive in with a couple from spain and one of the scuba guides in bocas very interesting noting the different words, accents, expressions and stuff that is different in every country for example in CR I only use usted to refer to everyone and I don’t think I have ever heard anyone use Tu form but right away in panama the first cab driver used tu! Anyway played lots of pool, monopoly and enjoyed the tv at the hotel…back to Panama city where we saw the canal and old city…I really liked seeing the old city very different from anywhere I have been in cr or anywhere…than back to Costa Rica!! I was in love with both of the hotels we stayed at in CR got to hang by the pool and go in hottub and ohh I miss the beds so much already! Anyway went white water rafting at pacauri river defiantly one of my favorite parts of the trip it was absolutely gorgoese and the rapids were really fun our guide was really fun he liked to push me off the raft when it was safe to swim and used a spanglish mix since in our raft was a couple from san jose…but def saw some of the coolest views of CR jungle so far…Friday went back to heredia and went to dinner with my dad and my costa Rican family to pizza hut! It was nice to be able to do something for them and see them in a different atmosphere…enjoyed my last morning with room service and sitting in the hot tub. All in all it was a great vacation…demasiado divertida….THANKS DAD

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